About SG Aviators

Hello my name is Sean and welcome to SG Aviators. I started this website with the goal in mind to share information about the aviation sector. Specifically for those who have a keen interest to make aviation a part of their career.

Becoming a pilot has always been an life long dream for many aspiring aviators including myself. I vividly recall my struggle researching on the career path to become a pilot due to the lack of information online.

When I realized there was no flight training course offered by the local Polytechnic. (College) I was devastated, the final nail in the coffin was when I found out the sheer cost of flight training in Singapore. ($150,000 – $220,000) Which would require my parents to take on loan and be in debt. A burden I wouldn’t want to put upon my parents.

Fortunately not all is doom and gloom, amidst the global pilot shortage and technological advancement within aviation industry, Airlines around the world are actively recruiting pilots around the world. Programs such as the cadet pilot have been set up to meet the future demand of pilots for the expending aviation industry. There are certainly a lot more options available to achieve your dream and attain the frozen Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)

As I work towards my goal to becoming a full fledged pilot, this platform will be used to document my journey and to serve as my personal notes. Hopefully my content will shed some light to aspiring pilots. After all I strongly believe the spirit of Aviation is all about Sharing. 😀

Aviate Navigate Communicate!


Most of the information I gathered are sources from my pilot peers and online forums. Should there be any discrepancy or if you would like me to research into a certain topic, kindly email me at SGAviators.Sean@gmail.com

I’ll reply as soon as possible!

oh yeah, did I mention how good looking pilot’s uniform is? 😍 🤤

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